Saturday, July 16, 2011

Welcome! Wine bread, Pasta Salad, Cookie Cupcakes...

As a former writing junkie, I've spent a lot of time following blogs and just as much time contemplating starting my own. My problem? A lack of a niche to focus on, coupled with a complete lack of time.

Rewind a bit. My hubby and I tend to push "fast forward" when experiencing life. We met in high school, got married during college, bought a house (and a puppy, Charlie, to go with it!), and started our family with our little man, Colin, right away--I tend to hold my breath when reciting all that, if you've done the same, breathe. :).

I work in the wonderful world of Public Relations, full time as a specialist and magazine editor, try to spend my free time with my family, and have recently become addicted to spending extra time in the kitchen. Tadah--a niche was born. Follow along as I share stories and photos of life, and some great recipes I've experimented with along the way! Have ideas on some of these recipes or delicious changes you've made to them? Feel free to comment and travel this road with me!

To get things started, I thought I'd begin with what's on my mind: my most recent dinner concoction from this evening! Enjoy!

To begin, let me introduce my kitchen buddies, little man and Charlie, they make the experience more fun!

My first recipe of the night, Chardonnay cheese bread!

I was looking for something summery but filling...this fit the bill...

Chardonnay bread recipe:

- 3 cups flour

- 1 envelope dry yeast

- 1 cup Chardonnay (I love local vineyards, and made mine with Cullari Vineyard's variety from our local farmer's market)
- 1/3 cup unsalted butter

- 2 tsp. sugar

- 1 tsp. salt

- 3 eggs

- 1 cup shredded yellow mild cheddar cheese

- 1 cup shredded sharp white cheddar cheese

1. In a medium bowl, combine flour and yeast.

2. In a sauce pan, over medium heat, combine the Chardonnay, butter, sugar and salt...heat until warm and stir constantly!

3. Pour the wine mixture into the flour mixture and combine.

4. Add the eggs and beat until well combined.

5. Stir in the cheese.

6. Pour into a well-greased, 9X5 inch loaf pan, and bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes or so, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

7. Enjoy warm, or allow to cool, your choice!

My second creation: Fresh summer pasta salad!

It doesn't get much easier than this. I was looking for a way to use fresh basil from my herb garden.

Fresh Tomato and Basil Pasta Salad

-1 lb. pasta (I used spaghetti) cooked
-10-20 fresh basil leaves, washed and chopped
- 2 fresh tomatos chopped
- 1-2 cups Italian dressing to taste (I opted for Kraft's Tuscan House Italian)

1. Mix all ingredients.
2. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

To end the evening, Oreo Cookie Cupcakes (Check out the recipe on Annie's Eat's cookies n'cream cupcakes!)

Hubby proclaimed them as his new favorite, and even Charlie tried to get in on the action!

Once again, welcome to my blog. I will provide new recipes and adventures as I go. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Great start! I look forward to reading more. If you haven't already, check out my blog, Java Talk.
